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Rantz Newz Forum Linkz 5tuff
5tuff: About, etcetera
What the hell is going on here?

Yet another gaming news/opinion site.  You can never have too many of those, you know.  Actually, these people spend way too much time talking about what video game companies are, will or should be doing.  So they figured they'd put it on the web.  This way they can record their predictions before they happen.

The parties responsible for this webcrime include...

Tr00mstr 5p3ndz f4r t00 mv<h 7im3 p14yin vid30 g4m3z than i5 h341thy f0r 4ny0n3.  3v3n if h3 g3t5 th3 n0710n t00 d0 4ny7h1ng 3153 f0r 4 whi13, 1t 15 5hr7 1iv3d, 4z h3 1z dr1v3n b4<k 1n70 h1z 10n31y r00m by 7h3 5h4773r3d m355 7h47 1z h1z 1if3. 

El Brucé
El Brucé is a sad example of what happens to computer geeks when they actually get laid in college: they end up with a Philosophy degree and spend the rest of their lives chronically underemployed.  He doesn't actually play that many video games, but he can front with the best of 'em.

Monkey Vs. Robot

I don't recall where we found this, but we found it. It ties in disturbingly with some rumors we read about in Official XBox Magazine (which Troomstr lovingly subscribes to).  It took us a while to figure out the connection, but we think this may be related to the forthcoming Robot/Monkey Apocalypse that we've all heard about.

In a highly scientific neurological study, we spent approximately six hours letting this movie run while we danced around the house screaming until our throats were bloody.  Sad to say, it all ended in violence.

Be afraid.  Be very afraid:  MonkeyVsRobot300K [5.2Mb asf]






About This



d00d, if j00 can s33 th15 m3554g3, j04 br0w23r 15 w33k!

Do yourself a favor and just get Internet Explorer, Netscape, or even NeoPlanet now.