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Rantz Newz Forum Linkz 5tuff
Linkz > Toolz

Translate from most any language to most any other language with this easy online tool. Either paste the text into the big box, or just give them a URL and they'll translate the whole web page for you. Fun tip: take a favorite website and translate it into another language and back.

We use this for our Rantz page. Set up a site design and you can update it easily and automatically. They even got built-in hosting, if ya need it.

If we ever scrape up enough change from the couch cushions to buy some hosting and a domain name, this is where we're going. Check this out: domain name registration, hosting, and all the email accounts you want for 18 bucks per YEAR. That's a dollar-fifty a month. You couldn't even feed a starving orphan in Africa for that.

We use this for our forums. An incredibly feature-rich free discussion board service. Sure, they beg for cash more than PBS during pledge week, but they're still the best one we've seen out there - especially in terms of customizability.

There's an example of this on our Newz page. It's a JavaScript-powered newsfeed that updates regularly and automatically. You can customize your own for nothing.

[hum0r, toolz]
So have you heard about the secret ingredient in Crest toothpaste? Snopes checks out and verifies or debunks urban legends. If it sounds too weird to be true, it might be wise to check it out here before you repeat it to somebody who knows better.

Lots and lots of clear tutorials and reference materials covering everything you want to know about web design and programming. HTML, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, whatever. If you want to learn it, ask the Monkey.







d00d, if j00 can s33 th15 m3554g3, j04 br0w23r 15 w33k!

Do yourself a favor and just get Internet Explorer, Netscape, or even NeoPlanet now.